For planetary stacking, I run VMware fusion and either registax or autostakkert. Siril native on the Mac can do planetary stacking by all accounts, I've seen some nice results but never tried it. For DSO stacking I use PixInsight, but I don't think it's designed for planetary.
I know you want Mac specific software - Siril is ok but I've just downloaded Crossover and have run Pipp, autostakkert and registax without any issues on a mac plus much easier to use Takes around 10 mins to get up and running. Free 14 day trial too
Registax For Mac Os
I am trying to make use of registax software for astrophotography image stacking on my Macbook. I first installed Wine using Homebrew which hanged on startup due to a known Homebrew Core issue. This led me to directly install Wine from provided .pkg file. Now, I have registax running excellently within the Wine environment.
Before using registax, I also need to pre-process my Astro images using PIPP software. It is installed via Winebottler. When I downloaded WineBottlerCombo_1.8.6.dmg, it also includes Wine app and asks me to drag-and-drop both Wine and WineBottler within Applications folder. But I already have Wine stable installed as explained above.
Douglas Cockerham ( [28 Mar 04]First let me say that I really appreciate your site and the work you putinto it. The information contained within is extremely helpful. Becauseof your site I was able to get up and running very quickly. I amcompletely new to all of this, but with your help and the help of allwho have contributed I am able to make the most of my time under thestars.I have a page on my website devoted solely to my new found passion(astronomy) and thought maybe you or some of the people who frequentyour site would be interested in some of the photos I am capturing. Here's the URL: _gallery.asp. If youever have a chance to stop by and have a look. If you feel so inclined,let me know what you think.I put together a short animation of tonight's transit of Ganymede and Iothat is interesting and posted it on my site. Unfortunately, the heavydew cut my plans short so I was only able to get the first hour and ahalf. But it turned out OK.Thanks for helping me out, your site is truly the best resource for anyowner of an ETX scope. Tommy Lim ( [28 Mar 04]These are my latest photos of jupiter.I am using my new set of ETX125 with nikon cp4500, without anymodification by photoshop. [28 Mar 04]ok this pic is a little artistic...but I thought pretty cool nevertheless. It is a pic of the GRS taken on 3-24-04 thru myETX 125, 600 images stacked with Registax. The resulting image was then enhanced with an unmask filter in Adobe Photoshop Elements and the sun glare added using the filter "lense glare". I think that gives the photo an interesting perspective!! [28 Mar 04]First attempt last night with my new ETX and Phillips Toucam - managed to get a reasonable picture of Saturn using Registax 2 software. (I've sent an attachment for your gallery though there are probably many better!! - anyway I'm delighted with my first attempt)kind regards from Wimborne [28 Mar 04]here is my best pic to date of Jupiter and the GRS. Taken 3-24-04 with ETX 125 and Toucam Pro at 15f/sec, 1/25 sec exp, 30% gain, 600 frames stacked in Registax. A little tense moments this evening (out of control prescribed burn)...and I thought it was going to be the fires of last summer all over again!! Started making preps for evacuation again...after family loaded, then telescope!!! [25 Mar 04]I really can advise everybody to do the eprom update I send you last timefor the webcams.Less noise and sharper pictures! [25 Mar 04]I hope I don't bother you too much with my pictures, but I am hooked on theETX and I hope people see that a lot is possible with the Mighty ETX.I did Mercury for your planets galery. This one I don't see very often onthe ETX site.I can tell you, this is really difficult. Little time to capture and low onthe horizon and only a few weeks to try, so every clear night is beingoutside :-)Again I hope to see some more of this planet from other users.Let's get the ETX's running! "Dirk Henrich, Dr.phil.nat." ( [25 Mar 04]thanks once again for your informative and fruitful website. Please find attached an image of Jupiter taken at march the 17th 07:30 pm.You see Io and his shadow as well as the great red spot. I used an ETX90EC, 2xBarlow and an Phillips ToU-Cam. I added about 150 frames from 2000 using Giotto.Dirk from Frankfurt [25 Mar 04] Those 2 pics were taken on the 8 and 16 march.(I used the same stuff as usual), turbulency was not that good :(. [25 Mar 04]had the ETX 125 and my Phillips Toucam working overtime this Saturday night with the dual transit of Io and Ganymede. This pic captured 450 frames (15f/s)at 1/25 sec exp using auto exposure and 0% gamma. Frames were stacked in Registax...and layers slightly tweeked. Had alot of fun with this one and looking forward to the triple transit at the end of the month. Alan Greg Nolan ( [22 Mar 04] Someone (I can't remember who) asked that we try toget shots of Venus, so here is my first attempt. Thereis alot of red on the side because I did not allowample time for the scope to cool down. If I had, Venuswould have been gone. Maybe next time. Also, I am really impressed with the results thatmany people are getting with video cams, but don't youthink there should be a separate category for them -maybe called astrovidegraphy :) Just kidding, but seems that it is mucheasier to get better quality results using a videocam, although it looks like they may be screwed whenit comes to deep space objects that require longshutter speeds. I think they will get tired of onlybeing able to get pictures of planets, the sun, andthe moon. I prefer the challenge of actual photographymyself....just a thought. By the way, I see that you have not updated yourastrophotography section in quite a while. What's upwith that?? Have you lost interest in theastrophotography or does the burden of maintainingyour websites remove from your opportunities. If it isthe latter, I hope you will reorganize your prioritiesto place more emphasis on doing more of the things youenjoy. I appreciate (like everyone) your maintainingthis website, but not at the expense of taking awayfrom your passtimes.I hope for your good skies,[Right] Here is a resubmission of my Venus pic (amazing whatyou can do with a red eye tool).Mike here: As to my photography, I did some with the LPI (as reported on in the article "Autostar Suite on a Macintosh" on the Autostar Info page. But weather and time have not been very cooperative for more. Bill Dirks ( [15 Mar 04]For your Guest Planets gallery, here are three images from March 12showing the progress of the double shadow transit on Jupiter. The lefthand shadow is Io, right-hand shadow is Europa. In the first image youcan clearly see Io to the right of its shadow. In the other two imagesyou can see Europa, but Io is lost against the brighter clouds of Jupiter.ETX-105, Meade #140 2X Barlow and color CMOS image sensor at primefocus. Barlow and camera installed in the rear port with a Scopetronixvisual back. Each image is about 250 stacked exposures selected fromabout 450 captured over a 2 minute period. 290ms exposure. Stacking inRegistax, final work in The GIMP.Index of my ETX astrophotography: Peter Roelofs ( [15 Mar 04]I recently bought an ETX-105 and am very happy with it. Best decision Imade in a long time. Because of the bad weather since I bought the scope(guess that comes with buying a new scope), I havent been able to havethat much fun with it yet.When I did get around those few times the weather was good, I also triedmy webcam on the scope and I'm sending you my best result with Saturnsofar. I dont know all the details anymore but I stacked it inRegistax, did something with the wavelets and then some fine-tuning inPhotoshop Elements.Hope you like it and will post it, in the guest astrophoto gallery, onyour site, which teaches me new things everytime I visit. Best regards and clear skies,Peter RoelofsThe Netherlands [15 Mar 04]here is what I think is my best pic yet of Jupiter. Three mmons visible in pic (from left to right...Europa, Io and Ganymede...Io is casting its shadow on the edge. Shots taken with my ETX 125, and Phillips Toucam Pro...1/15f/sec, 1/50 sec exp...recorded 120 sec and stacked using Registax (90% quality and minor layer enhancement). astro ( [11 Mar 04]Attached is my best results of latest Jupiter opposition, and Saturne latejanuary.All have been made with ETX90EX, ToUcam and Barlow 2x. Post processing havebeen stacking and wavelet. The sky is a urban condition (over Paris from myviewpoint).Hope you will find them good ! Kuba Malecki ( [8 Mar 04] I send you my recent photos of Saturn, Venus and Jupiter. I used myETX-90/RA, Barlow x2 and ToUcam Pro. For Saturn I used about 1200frames, Venus about 1000 and for Jupiter 600. All avis recorded at5fps, stacking and "waveleting" in Registax 2.1., further processingin GIMP (levels, saturation and other color enhancement). Jupiter wasresized to 150%, Venus to 200%. More pics on my [8 Mar 04]as most of us I had to give our 'great one' my salute too at his oppositionday and look into his 'orange-red eye'...Dieter Wolf (Munich, Germany); 2004-03-04 23:15 CET (22:15 UTC); MEADEETX-125EC with 2x Barlow Lense and PHILIPS ToUCam pro (300 out of 760frames; should have been more, but tracking wasn't so good); south up,east leftThe GRS in the STB is bright and colorfull (I think it's easier to see thanin the years before, isn't it?) and you can imagine the clouds spinningaround; white spots in the STB, black ones in the STeZ and then againwhites, festoons in the EZ... Lot of details for our range of smalltelescopes. As ever, the southern hemisphere shows more details than thenorthern one.Once more thanks for providing astro-amateurs around the world such a greatforum to meet... on 'special demand' of our friend Job Geheniau who wants to see more shotsof Venus...Dieter Wolf (Munich, Germany); 2004-03-04 19:10 CET (18:10 UTC); MEADEETX-125EC (1/100s; 150 frames out of 250); south up, east leftVenus shows no structure or details in her clouds but phases similar tothose of the moon. With about 65% illuminated that's something like 'firstquarter'. But other than with our moon the phase will DECREASE as Venusmoves closer to us heading towards lower conjunction. So the illuminatedpart will decrease within the next two months whereas the size willincrease from half the size of Jupiter (what it's now) to approximatelyJupiter's size. So in May we will see pictures of a large but very thinVenus. [4 Mar 04]This is my first for Jupiter!I took it on the night of the 2nd of march with my etx-125, a 2x apo barlow anda Toucam pro.Nearly 500 frames were stacked with registrax to obtain the final image. Chris Suddell ( [4 Mar 04] I've attached two pictures taken last night with an ETX125 and 2x Barlow. They were taken from London England. Both images processed in Registax. The Saturn image was only about 190 frames; Jupiter was 432 frames both at 5fps, no gamma. The web cam was a Vesta Pro 680k and Astronomik IR Filter. [4 Mar 04]And at last the one I am really proud of! It was a night with normal seeing and a night with very good seeing. Seeing is the most important thing while taking pictures with a telescope. You can see the difference. Jupiter. I think it will be very hard to get a better picture with my ETX90 of Jupiter. To get such a kind of picture takes a lot of patience. A 3*Barlow on a toucam with an ETX90...takes me 15 minutes to get Jupiter steady in the middle on screen! One little movement and it's gone.Thanks for reading and posting these pictures on your site. I hope it will stimulate more people for astronomy and especially getting the most out of the ETX.Job GeheniauThe Netherlands [26 Feb 04]Great article in Sky and Telescope (April Issue) by the creator of Registax. I am amazed at the results by following the step by step instructions.[Top] Attached is a reprocessed (prior pic) of Jupiter utilizing layer sharpening. The results are wonderful!![Bottom] Here is a prior pic of Saturn (originally taken 1-10-04) enhanced in Registax by sharpening layer 1 and 2 in teh Wavelet Scheme. Great results as a result of Cor Berrevoets article in Sky and Telescope (April). Can't wait for clear skys again!! [20 Feb 04]And for your guest astrophotography Planets now something different thanSaturn and Jupiter....Venus. It's possible with an ETX90 this way. A littlepatience and some good stacking.Hope to see some more Venus on your side from other users. It's achallenge, because it's a little bit harder (and some people think lessinteresting planet, I don't agree) to do.Thanks and keep up the good work,Job GeheniauThe Netherlands [20 Feb 04] it is snowing outside of my window now while I write this mail to you.Normal weather for that time of the year in Germany. But two days ago wehad a clear night with stable air layers (nearly no twinkling of thestars!). This gave me - as I think - some really good shots of Jupiter.Dieter Wolf (Munich, Germany); MEADE ETX-125EC (5", 1900mm) with PHILIPSToUCam pro at prime focus; south up, east left[Left]: 16.02.2004 23:45 CET (22:45 UTC); 2x Barlow; 500 out of 750frames[Middle]: 17.02.2004 00:30 CET (23:30 UTC on 16th); 2x Barlow; 1000 outof 1600 frames[Right]: 17.02.2004 00:05 CET (23:05 UTC on 16th); 3x Barlow; 500 outof 900 framesThe GRS is pretty well visible. Have a look how quickly it has moved in 45minutes between the pictures one and two. The quick rotation of Jupiter isthe reason why we have to take care to NOT sample frames for a too longtime. Roughly calculated: 45" (equatorial diameter) rotate in 5h (half ofrotation time); so an .avi file of 1000 frames with 10 fps is still fine(about 0".25 movement); 2000 frames with 5 fps (about 1" movement) isreally bad.Besides the GRS you see A LOT of dark and white spots and bars and festoonslocated in the different bands and zones of the planet. What astonished meis a large storm between the NEB (northern equatorial belt) and the EZ(equator zone) west of the GRS (down-right on the pictures) It is aboutthe same size and form as the GRS (40.000 km) but much less colored andsomehow diffuse. I never saw that before.Thanks for your efforts Mike TaToCaNa ( [16 Feb 04]Here my last Photo of Saturno.It was made with MEADE ETX-125 /Prime Focus + Barlow x2/ AVI 30s / Registax on 13 of Febrary 2004 James Jefferson-Wilson James ( [16 Feb 04]Please could you consider for your planets gallery. [12 Feb 04]here is - for the moment - my last picture. After a week of extraordinarywarm spring weather in Southern Germany (I observed during the night in ashort-sleeved shirt) we returned to normal winter weather conditions again(stormy, freezing,'s Germany, not California)Dieter Wolf (Munich, Germany); 2004-02-05 23:00 CET (22:00 UTC); MEADEETX-125EC (5", 1900mm) with PHILIPS ToUCam pro at prime focus; 700 out of1800 frames resized by 2 during stacking process; south up, east leftThe 43*40" disc of -2m.4 bright Jupiter - still too low above myneighboring houses during 'normal' observation times - shows some darkfestoons stretching from the Southern Equatorial Belt into the SouthernTropical Zone. Above that - in the Southern Temperate Belt - we have alarge, dark bar on the west side and in the Equatorial Zone some weekturbulances can be seen too. Hopefully the coming months will provide uswith a nice Jupiter season. Taun Deverill ( [8 Feb 04]Attached is a picture of Jupiter taken on Feb. 6, 10:41 p.m. mountain timefrom Phoenix area. The black dot is the shadow of the moon Callisto and youcan make out Callisto on the limb of the planet. I was surprised aboutcapturing the moon itself. Equatorial bulge is also quite apparent. Theinformation was check with Starry Night. Photo is taken by ETX-125EC, 2xbarlow, Logitech Quickcam Pro and 156 pictures out of 949 stacked andprocessed using Registax 2.1. Alan Leutloff ( [8 Feb 04]This is the coolest thing I have recorded yet. On Feb 6th...Iset up my ETX 125 and took a 3 sets of pics beginning at 10:30 PM. Thefirst was using the LPI at Prime Focus (50 stacked images), Next at 11:00PM I added the barlow lens with the LPI and recorded another composite of50 images with the LPI. Finally, at 11:30 I attached my Phillips ToucamPro and recorded and stacked (Registax) over 1500 images (10 fr/sec).After I compiled all three images...a dark spot was apparent movingacross Jupiter. I remember reading in Sky and Telescope magazine aboutthe transit of the shadow of Jupiter's moons during the month of February(Feb issue pg 66)...and lo and behold...that is what I captured!!! Soattached is a composite of my images and you can clearly see the shadowmoving across the face of Jupiter. This is my proudest moment!!! [4 Feb 04]Click for full-size imageBecause it's now a year ago since I started with my ETX90, here a sample ofmy best pictures of the planets (and moon) with my ETX90 (not to scale!).Only Pluto is missing (will be a hard one with the ETX90 I think).In (near) future, Mercury and Venus will be renewed I guess but this is theresult so far.Job GeheniauThe Netherlands Jody Miller ( [31 Jan 04]Meade ETX90 Alt/Az mode Tracking,Meade LPI,2x Barlow,200 pics stackedThis a pic of Saturn I took on 1-26-04. I just got theMeade LPI and I am impressed with the results. Thanksfor a great site and I will be sending more pics. J.Miller [31 Jan 04]here is a second 'shot' of Saturn on one of that TWO CLEAR NIGHTS we hadduring the last 6 weeks...Dieter Wolf (Munich, Germany); MEADE ETX-125EC with 2x Barlow lens(3900mm); Philips ToUCam pro at prime focus;2004-01-22 23:30 CET (22:30 UTC); 1100 out of 1500 frames 1/25s each; southup east leftAnd we still have that open question: 'Why do we see Cassini's division?We have to distinguish between 'what can we RESOLVE' and 'what can we SEE'.We can NOT resolve the Cassini division, that means we do not see anydetails in it. But we 'recognize' that 'there is something'. Make a simpletest. Take a piece of paper and a pencil. Write equidistant dots,horizontal and vertical lines on that paper. On a second paper just draw across from top to bottom and from left to right. If you go back from thesepapers you will reach a distance where first you can no longer resolve thedots. Go one step back more and you can not resolve the horizontal lines,shortly after that the vertical lines. BUT you still see the cross on thewhite paper. By the way, we all 'see' stars, which are far far beyond whatour eyes can 'resolve'... [25 Jan 04]Saturn taken last night (1-24-04) about 10:00 pm. Recorded about 1200 frames and stacked using K3ccdtools. ETX 125 and vesta pro camera Dieter Wolf ( [25 Jan 04]after 4 long weeks without a single clear night where I felt like an addict that has been taken away his drugs, finally we had a beautiful, cold clear night that I used to take a look at Saturn. Culminating at 64 here in Munich, Saturn with his -0m.5 is a bright, fantastic view.Dieter Wolf (Munich, Germany)2004-January-22nd 23:35 CET (22:35 UTC) [remembering the discussion you once had with that guy saying there is only one 'correct' format for date and time: from top to bottom...]MEADE ETX-125EC (5" Maksutov-Cassegrain, 1900mm focal length) with 2x Barlow (3800mm)Philips ToUCam pro at prime focus700 out of 1100 1/25s exposures aligned, stacked and optimized with K3CCD, IrfanView and PaintShop [south up, east left]You nicely see the bright B-ring separated from the outer A-ring by the Cassini division. You only have a vague idea of the very weak B-ring. In front of the planet is the shadow of the ring system and the shadow of the planet on the rings now points a little bit to the left (east) as we passed opposition (compare it with pictures that have been taken before opposition) One colored belt on Saturn can be seen easily, a second one is there too if you look very precisely And finally the dark southern polar region.And now something to think about it: Why do we see the Cassini division? Because we look at it - no, not a joke, seriously. The Cassini division is an area in Saturn's ring system where there is only very little 'material'. The extension of this area is round about 4200 km. Saturn's equatorial diameter is round about 120.000 km and appears now at an angle of 20".6 4200km/120.000km*20".6=0".7 Mmh, have a look at your telescope's handbook or use the simple formula '115(arcs/cm)/clear aperture(cm)' to estimate the maximum resolving power. You will find 0".9 for the ETX-125 down to 1".6 for the ETX-70. If Saturn's B- and A-rings were double stars we would NOT be able to separate them in an ETX-125, BUT we can see Cassini's division even in an ETX-70. The question is WHY? James Jefferson-Wilson James ( [22 Jan 04]Took this picture on Saturday 17th January, lovely clear night In the UK. Tried Jupiter many times but I am veryPleased with this. Contrast/Brightness/Unsharp Mask used in PaintShop Pro 7. I am getting some filters and imHoping they will make the image better. All other info on picture. Could you consider for your planets gallery ?With your experience of the ETX90, can you get a better picture with a filter using the Afocal Method ?Your site is brilliant for ETX Users, keep up the good work !Mike here: Filters will help bring out different details. If you then stack those you can improve the image.And:Thanks, im really confused about stacking, I've read what it saids but Idon't get it.Is there a really really simple explanation ? Mike here: Stacking images overlays one image on top another (on top another, etc.) of the same object taken generally at the same time. This enhances the details that come through while "hiding" imperfections. You can see many examples of stacked (or registered) images on the ETX Site.And more:I understand this, but when using the ETX90 manually totake pics your never going to get the same pic twice ? Copying andpasting the same picture isn't going to work is it ?I use afocal method but it takes time. I love taking pics and imlearning all the time especially when I look back at my first picture tothe ones now ! Your site has helped me so much. I just want to get themax out my astrophotography and etx90.Mike here: Aligning the images (known as "registering") is one of the major chores of stacking. There is software that helps. Keith's Image Stacker (Mac OS X), and Registax and AstroStack (Windows) are typical examples. There is info on Registax on the Helpful Information - Astrophotography page. Alan Leutloff ( [19 Jan 04]Here's my best toucam pic of Jupiter todate. Taken last night(1-17-04) about 11:00 pm. Recorded about 700 frames and stacked usingRegistax. I've come a long way from my initial pics when I started allthis this past summer. Olivier Cioni ( [19 Jan 04]Here is shots of Mars, taken with my ETX105 in 2003. We can see clearlythe evolution of the distance of Mars from the earth. Bill Dirks ( [19 Jan 04]Here is Jupiter through my ETX-105. These images were taken 25 hours, or2.5 rotations of Jupiter apart, so they show opposite sides. Left photoDec. 28 3:36am PST, right photo Dec. 27 2:33am PST 2003. Dec. 27 hadperfectly steady seeing and good transparency. Dec. 28 had some thin,high clouds, and a little less steady, but I could still get a goodresult. Captured with a color CMOS image sensor at prime focus. Stackedin Registax. Final processing in GIMP. The faint dot to the right of theright-hand picture is Io.My ETX-105 Astrophotography Gallery is at Thank you, Mike, for compiling and maintaining your ETX site. I knowit's a lot of work. Much appreciated. Bill. Martin Sidgreaves ( [19 Jan 04]Thought I'd share a couple of photos I've taken over the last few weeks for inclusion on your gallery. Im still relatively new to astrophotography but I have been really happy with my results so far.I've learnt most of the techniques from your site which is just such a fantastic source of information. Keep up the great work Alan Leutloff ( [15 Jan 04]Here is what can be done from hand picking the better framesfrom my Saturn AVI file. This shot was taken from the best 260 frames(out of 700) using VDUB (Video editing freeware)...then processed usingregistax. enhancement made with colors. Compare this to mylast pic which let Registax process all 700 frames. Also...justrepartitioned my harddrive on my laptop (was running out of room)...andloaded the Meade LPI next weekend...should be up andrunning with the LPI. TIM CLARKE ( [15 Jan 04]I would like to thank you for your informative web site, it has gotme started on astophotography.This is my first atempt at saturn, thought you may like to post it in yourgallery. Keep up the great workRegards Tim Clarke, UK. Alan Leutloff ( [11 Jan 04]OK...I am quick on the learning curve. Here is by far my best pic so farof Saturn. This on a very clear night taken with a Phillips Toucam Proset at resolution 640/480, 25 frames/sec and moderate gain and 1/10 secexposure. Recorded 600 frames and stacked on registax. No additionalenhancements to photo. This is great...and your website is the bestresource available. Thanks Mike. Alan H Leutloff ( [8 Jan 04]last night broke out the ETX 125 and the Phillips Toucam. Thisshot was recorded at 1/25th sec exposure, 25 frames/sec. Processed 900frames w/Registax....and color processing. Annotated with HP2100software. This is sure fun...good thing I have a day job. Alan Leutloff ( [4 Jan 04]Here is my first ToUcam pic of Saturn...taken with my ETX 90M,automatic settings at 25 f/sec...and processed (with color processing)using registax. Braved 10 degree temps for focusing. I'm impressed withmy first attempt...and hope to set up the ETX 125 later this week. HappyNew Year. [4 Jan 04]Planet Mars. Now difficult to get, but due to all the hypes with Rovers,Mars Express and Beagle2 I just want to do a last shot this year of Mars.Job GeheniauThe NetherlandsBy The Way: Bad Seeing and bad transparancy this night. Niall Saunders ( [4 Jan 04]Hi Mike (and thanks, and keep up the good work!!),I have had my ETX-105 since 23rd Dec 2003, and have had three nights viewingsince!. However, I managed to get a decent night observing Saturn (about6/10 viewing) and used my new, home-made, afocal adaptor on my ancient andbattered Olympus C-3040Z (now running at over 14,000 pictures, from SouthPole to North Pole, and round the world twice !!).I have also had a first attempt at using Registax2 and am reasonablyimpressed with the result - shown here.Now, when the skies clear, I will be looking to try the (now modified)adaptor on a higher power lens - hopefully with minimal vignetting, and seeif I can get a better image before Saturn shrinks from her present gloryhere in NE Scotland.After that: I aim to machine up an adapter for the back of the ETX-105, toallow me to get a dismantled webcam into the light-path.Wish me luck and clear skies!! Howard Visser ( [4 Jan 04]Happy New Year! Here's my latest attempt at imaging Saturn using myETX90 with a 2X Barlow and Logitech Quickcam Pro 4000. The image filewas captured on Dec 28th using an exposure of 1/5 second at 5 framesper second for 30 seconds. The image file was processed using RegiStaxand selecting the best 80 frames to create this final image. It turnedout so well that that only minimal post processing of the image wasrequired. The image shows the Cassini divsion and what appears to bethe C ring on left hand side of Saturn. Return to the top of this page.