With payment gateway Script you can easily accept any physical financial company/bank or online payment platform as deposits and withdrawal methods for your site. And, set a fee amount to earn on every online store purchase linked to your site API and Money transfers made through phpWallet .
This phpwallet can be used as the selling platform for virtual cards the card can use to verify paypal account, purchase anything anywhere online such as facebook ads google ads ebay amazon apple and lots more. This script come with strowallet.com usd virtual card api do you like to start your own card issuer business? phpwallet is the best script for the card selling business.
[TRENDING] XenWallet Online Payment Gateway Wallet Script
Phpwallet is also a platform that Can be used as the selling for Virtual Cards . The card can use to verify paypal account, purchase anything anywhere online such as facebook ads, Google ads, ebay, amazon, apple and lots more. This Script come with Strowallet and Payzoft usd dollar virtual card Api, Do you like to start your own card issuer company/business? phpwallet is the best script for the card selling business. 2ff7e9595c